Performance and clinical utility of an artificial intelligence-enabled tool for pulmonary embolism detection.
Ayobi A, Chang PD, Chow DS, Weinberg BD, Tassy M, Franciosini A, Scudeler M, Quenet S, Avare C, Chaibi Y

September 2024
Deep Learning-Based ASPECTS Algorithm Enhances Reader Performance and Reduces Interpretation Time.
Ayobi A, Davis A, Chang PD, Chow DS, Nael K, Tassy M, Quenet S, Fogola S, Shabe P, Fussell D, Avare C, Chaibi Y

August 2024
Generating colloquial radiology reports with large language models.
Tang CC, Nagesh S, Fussell DA, Glavis-Bloom J, Mishra N, Li C, Cortes G, Hill R, Zhao J, Gordon A, Wright J, Troutt H, Tarrago R, Chow DS.

August 2024
Diagnostic Performance of a Deep Learning-Powered Application for Aortic Dissection Triage Prioritization and Classification.
Laletin V, Ayobi A, Chang PD, Chow DS, Soun JE, Junn JC, Scudeler M, Quenet S, Tassy M, Avare C, Roca-Sogorb M, Chaibi Y.

August 2024
Diagnostic performance of a deep learning-powered application for aortic dissection triage prioritization and classification.
Laletin V, Ayobi A, Chang PD, Chow DS, Soun JE, Junn JC, Scudeler M, Quenet S, Tassy M, Avare C, Roca-Sogorb M, Chaibi Y

July 2024
Performance and clinical utility of an artificial intelligence-enabled tool for pulmonary embolism detection.
Ayobi A, Chang PD, Chow DS, Weinberg BD, Tassy M, Franciosini A, Scudeler M, Quenet S, Avare C, Chaibi Y

AI Efficacy as a Function of Trainee Interpreter Proficiency: Lessons from a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Fussell DA, Tang CC, Sternhagen J, Marrey VV, Roman KM, Johnson J, Head MJ, Troutt HR, Li CH, Chang PD, Joseph J, Chow DS

April 2024
A Guideline for Open-Source Tools to Make Medical Imaging Data Ready for Artificial Intelligence Applications: A Society of Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) Survey.
Vahdati S, Khosravi B, Mahmoudi E, Zhang K, Rouzrokh P, Faghani S, Moassefi M, Tahmasebi A, Andriole KP, Chang P, Farahani K, Flores MG, Folio L, Houshmand S, Giger ML, Gichoya JW, Erickson BJ

January 2024
Revolutionizing shoulder mri: Accelerated imaging with deep learning reconstruction.
Chang PD, Chow DS

December 2023
Fitting a stochastic model of intensive care occupancy to noisy hospitalization time series during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Awasthi A, Minin VM, Huang J, Chow D, Xu J

November 2023
Posttreatment Surveillance Imaging After Radiation for Head and Neck Cancer.
Chen AM, Harris JP, Gan M, Nabar R, Tjoa T, Haidar YM, Truong A, Chow DS, Armstrong WB

October 2023
Deep Learning Approach for Differentiating Etiologies of Pediatric Retinal Hemorrhages: A Multicenter Study.
Khosravi P, Huck NA, Shahraki K, Hunter SC, Danza CN, Kim SY, Forbes BJ, Dai S, Levin AV, Binenbaum G, Chang PD, Suh DW

October 2023
Efficient and Accurate Computed Tomography-Based Stone Volume Determination: Development of an Automated Artificial Intelligence Algorithm.
Cumpanas AD, Chantaduly C, Morgan KL, Shao W, Gorgen ARH, Tran CM, Wu YX, McCormac A, Tano ZE, Patel RM, Chang P, Landman J, Clayman RV
September 2023
Current role of portable MRI in diagnosis of acute neurological conditions.
Shoghli A, Chow D, Kuoy E, Yaghmai V
June 2023
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Neuro-oncology Imaging.
Soun J, Masudathaya LAY, Biswas A, Chow DS

May 2023
Artificial Intelligence for Improved Hepatosplenomegaly Diagnosis.
Rao S, Glavis-Bloom J, Bui TL, Afzali K, Bansal R, Carbone J, Fateri C, Roth B, Chan W, Kakish D, Cortes G, Wang P, Meraz J, Chantaduly C, Chow DS, Chang PD, Houshyar R
May 2023
Artificial Intelligence for Improved Hepatosplenomegaly Diagnosis.
Rao S, Glavis-Bloom J, Bui TL, Afzali K, Bansal R, Carbone J, Fateri C, Roth B, Chan W, Kakish D, Cortes G, Wang P, Meraz J, Chantaduly C, Chow DS, Chang PD, Houshyar R
May 2023
Methamphetamine use increases the risk of cerebral small vessel disease in young patients with acute ischemic stroke.
Zhu Z, Vanderschelden B, Joung Lee S, Blackwill H, Shafie M, Soun JE, Chow D, Chang P, Stradling D, Qian T, Yu W
May 2023
Impact of an automated large vessel occlusion detection tool on clinical workflow and patient outcomes.
Soun JE, Zolyan A, McLouth J, Elstrott S, Nagamine M, Liang C, Dehkordi-Vakil FH, Chu E, Floriolli D, Kuoy E, Joseph J, Abi-Jaoudeh N, Chang PD, Yu W, Chow DS

April 2023
Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody Use and COVID-19 Infection Outcomes
Ambrose N, Amin A, Anderson B, Barrera-Oro J, Bertagnolli M, Campion F, Chow D, Danan R, D’Arinzo L, Drews A, Erlandson K, Fitzgerald K, Garcia M, Gaspar FW, Gong C, Hanna G, Jones S, Lopansri B, Musser J, O’Horo J, Piantadosi S, Pritt B, Razonable RR, Roberts S, Sandmeyer S, Stein D, Vahidy F, Webb B, Yttri J.

April 2023
Deep Learning-Based Algorithm for Automatic Detection of Pulmonary Embolism in Chest CT Angiograms.
Grenier PA, Ayobi A, Quenet S, Tassy M, Marx M, Chow DS, Weinberg BD, Chang PD, Chaibi Y

February 2023
Automated detection of IVC filters on radiographs with deep convolutional neural networks.
Mongan J, Kohli MD, Houshyar R, Chang PD, Glavis-Bloom J, Taylor AG

February 2023
Impact of easing COVID-19 safety measures on trauma computed tomography imaging volumes.
Rao S, Glavis-Bloom J, Kakish D, Tran-Harding K, Chow DS, Nguyentat M, Yeates EO, Nahmias J, Houshyar R
October 2022
Head-to-head comparison of commercial artificial intelligence solutions for detection of large vessel occlusion at a comprehensive stroke center.
Schlossman J, Ro D, Salehi S, Chow D, Yu W, Chang PD, Soun JE
September 2022
Histologic Screening of Malignant Melanoma, Spitz, Dermal and Junctional Melanocytic Nevi Using a Deep Learning Model.
Snyder AN, Zhang D, Dreesen SL, Baltimore CA, Lopez-Garcia DR, Akers JY, Metts CL, Madory JE, Chang PD, Doan LT, Elston DM, Valdebran MA, Luo F, Forcucci JA

August 2022
Point-of-Care Brain MRI: Preliminary Results from a Single-Center, Retrospective Study.
Kuoy E, Glavis-Bloom J, Hovis G, Yep B, Biswas A, Masudathaya L, Morrick L, Limfueco J, Soun J, Chang P, Chu E, Akbari Y, Yaghmai V, Fox J, Yu W, Chow D.
May 2022
Diagnostic Roots Radiofrequency Sensory Stimulation Looking for Symptomatic Injured Roots in Multiple Lumbar Stenosis.
Kim JM, Kang SH, Cho SS, Chang PD, Yang JS, Jeon JP, Choi HJ
March 2022
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in High School Football Players: Brain and Cervical Spine.
Yu HJ, Wadi L, Say I, Paganini-Hill A, Chow D, Jafari AH, Farhan SD, Del Sol SR, Mobayed O, Alvarez A, Hasso A, Li SS, Do H, Berkeley D, Lee YP, Su LM, Rosen C, Fisher M.

January 2022
Neuroanatomical Correlates Underlying the Association Between Maternal Interleukin 6 Concentration During Pregnancy and Offspring Fluid Reasoning Performance in Early Childhood.
Ramussen JM, Graham AM, Gyllenhammer L, Entringer S, Chow DS, O’Connor TG, Fair DA, Wadhwa P, Buss C.

Successful COVID-19 Surge Management With Monoclonal Antibody Infusion in Emergency Department Patients.
Chow DS, Desai R, Soundara M, Gohil S, Chang PD, Amin A.

Artificial Intelligence assessment of Renal Scarring (AIRS study)
Chantaduly C, Troutt HR, Reyes KP, Zuckerman JE, Chang PD, Lau W.

Differential dynamics of peripheral immune responses to acute SARS CoV-2 infection in older adults.
Lewis SA, Sureshchandra S, Zulu MZ, Doratt B, Jankeel A, Ibraim IZ, Pinski A, Rhoades NS, Curtis M, Jiang X, Tifrea D, Zaldivar F, Shen W, Edwards RA, Chow D, Cooper D, Amin A, Messaoudi I.

October 2021
Neurovascular dynamics of repeated cortical spreading depolarizations after acute brain injury.
Zhao HT, Touhy MC, Chow D, Kozberg MG, Kim SH, Shaik MA, Hillman E.

September 2021
Neuroimaging Considerations in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease.
Lyerly MJ, Chow D

August 2021
MRI at the Bedside: A Case Report Comparing Fixed and Portable Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Suspected Stroke.
Hovis G, Langdorf M, Dang E, Chow D

August 2021
Identification and Localization of Endotracheal Tube on Chest Radiographs Using a Cascaded Convolutional Neural Network Approach.
Kara S, Akers JY, Chang PD

August 2021
Dynamic Changes of Convolutional Neural Network-based Mammographic Breast Cancer Risk Score Among Women Undergoing Chemoprevention Treatment.
Manley H, Mutasa S, Chang P, Desperito E, Crew K, Ha R.

July 2021
Asynchrony in Peritumoral Resting-State Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent fMRI Predicts Meningioma Grade and Invasion.
Wu PB, Chow DS, Petridis PD, Sisti MB, Bruce JN, Canoll PD, Grinband J.

May 2021
Segmentation of the Prostate Transition Zone and Peripheral Zone on MR Images with Deep Learning.
Bardis M, Houshyar R, Chantaduly C, Tran-Harding K, Ushinsky A, Chahine C, Rupasinghe M, Chow D, Chang P.

April 2021
Outcomes of Artificial Intelligence Volumetric Assessment of Kidneys and Renal Tumors for Preoperative Assessment of Nephron Sparing Interventions.
Houshyar R, Glavis-Bloom J, Bui TL, Chahine C, Bardis MD, Ushinsky A, Liu H, Bhatter P, Lebby E, Fujimoto D, Grant W, Tran-Harding K, Landman J, Chow DS, Chang PD.

April 2021
Prediction of breast cancer molecular subtypes on DCE-MRI using convolutional neural network with transfer learning between two centers.
Zhang Y, Chen J, Lin Y, Chan S, Zhou J, Chow DS, Chang PD, Kwong T, Yeh D, Wang X, Parajuli R, Mehta RS, Wang M, Su M.

April 2021
Validation of a Deep Learning Tool in the Detection of Intracranial Hemorrhage and Large Vessel Occlusion.
McLouth J, Elstrott S, Chaibi Y, Quenet S, Chang PD, Chow DS, Soun JE.

January 30th, 2021
Longitudinal analyses reveal age-specific immune correlates of COVID-19 severity.
Lewis SA, Sureshchandra S, Zulu MZ, Doratt B, Pinski A, Curtis M, Jankeel A, Ibraim I, Rhoades N, Jiang X, Tifrea D, Zaldivar F, Shen W, Edwards R, Chow DS, Cooper D, Amin A, Messaoudi I.

January 2021
A 3D-2D Hybrid U-Net Convolutional Neural Network Approach to Prostate Organ Segmentation of Multiparametric MRI.
Ushinsky A, Bardis M, Glavis-Bloom J, Uchio E, Chantaduly C, Nguyentat M, Chow D, Chang PD, Houshyar R.

January 2021
Artificial Intelligence and Acute Stroke Imaging.
Soun JE, Chow DS, Nagamine M, Takhtawala RS, Filippi CG, Yu W, Chang PD.2020

December 16th, 2020
Predictive Values of Location and Volumetric MRI Injury Patterns for Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Neonates.
Chang PD, Chow DS, Alber A, Lin YK, Youn YA.

December 11th, 2020
Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Breast Cancer on MRI Using Mask R-CNN Trained on Non-Fat-Sat Images and Tested on Fat-Sat Images.
Zhang Y, Chan S, Park VY, Chang KT, Mehta S, Kim MJ, Combs FJ, Chang P, Chow D, Parajuli R, Mehta RS, Lin CY, Chien SH, Chen JH, Su MY.

December 2020
Development and external validation of a prognostic tool for COVID-19 critical disease.
Chow D, Glavis-Bloom J, Soun J, Weinberg B, Loveless TB, Xie X, Mutasa S, Monuki A Park J, Bota D, Wu J, Thompson L, Boden-Albala B, Khan s, Amin A, Chang P.

November 2020
Updates on Deep Learning and Glioma: Use of Convolutional Neural Networks to Image Glioma Heterogeneity.
Chow DS, Khatri D, Chang PD, Zlochower A, Boockvar JA, Filippi CG

November 2020
Integrating Eye Tracking and Speech Recognition Accurately Annotates MR Brain Images for Deep Learning: Proof of Principle.
Stember JN, Celik H, Gutman D, Swinburne N, Young R, Eskreis-Winkler S, Holodny A, Jambawalikar S, Wood BJ, Chang PD, Krupinski E, Bagci U

October 1st 2020
Prediction of breast cancer molecular subtypes on DCE-MRI using convolutional neural network with transfer learning between two centers.
Zhang Y, Chen JH, Lin Y, Chan S, Zhou J, Chow D, Chang P, Kwong T, Yeh DC, Wang X, Parajuli R, Mehta RS, Wang M, Su MY.

August 9th, 2020
A 3D/2D Hybrid U-Net CNN approach to prostate organ segmentation of mpMRI.
Ushinsky A, Bardis M, Glavis-Bloom J, Uchio E, Chantaduly C, Nguyentat M, Chow D, Chang P, Houshyar R.

July 2020
Deep learning with limited data: Organ segmentation performance by U-Net.
Bardis MD, Houshyar R, Chantaduly C, Ushinsky A, Glavis-Bloom J, Shaver MM, Chow DS, Uchio EM, Chang PD.

May 11th, 2020
Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Prostate Multiparametric MRI (mpMRI): Current and Emerging Trends.
Bardis MD, Houshyar R, Chang PD, Ushinsky A, Glavis-Bloom J, Chahine C, Bui TL, Rupasinghe M, Filippi CG, Chow DS.

May 2020
Fully Automated Postlumpectomy Breast Margin Assessment Utilizing Convolutional Neural Network Based Optical Coherence Tomography Image Classification Method.
Mojahed D, Ha RS, Chang P, Gan Y, Yao X, Angelini B, Hibshoosh H, Taback B, Hendon CP.

April 2020
Accuracy of Artificial Intelligence in Measuring Intracerebral Hemorrhage Volumes and Expansion Compared to Human Estimates (5018).
Nagamine M, Kohanteb P, Yu W, Chang PD, Chow DS

April 2020
Deep Learning AI Applications in the Imaging of Glioma.
Zlochower A, Chow DS, Chang P, Khatri D, Boockvar JA, Filippi CG.

April 14th, 2020
Glioma-Induced Alterations in Neuronal Activity and Neurovascular Coupling during Disease Progression.
Montgomery MK, Kim SH, Dovas A, Zhao HT, Goldberg AR, Xu W, Yagielski AJ, Cambareri MK, Patel KB, Mela A, Humala N, Thibodeaux DN, Shaik MA, Ma Y, Grinband J, Chow DS, Schevon C, Canoll P, Hillman EMC.

March 2020
Diagnosis of Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions on DCE-MRI by Using Radiomics and Deep Learning With Consideration of Peritumor Tissue.
Zhou J, Zhang Y, Chang KT, Lee KE, Wang O, Li J, Lin Y, Pan Z, Chang P, Chow D, Wang M, Su MY.2019

December 30th, 2019
Cerebral Microbleeds in a Stroke Prevention Clinic.
Cho AH, Wadi L, Chow D, Chang P, Floriolli D, Shah K, Paganini-Hill A, Fisher M.

December 2019
Differentiation of spinal metastases originated from lung and other cancers using radiomics and deep learning based on DCE-MRI.
Lang N, Zhang Y, Zhang E, Zhang J, Chow D, Chang P, Yu HJ, Yuan H, Su MY.

December 2019
Deep Learning for Detection of Complete Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear.
Chang PD, Wong TT, Rasiej MJ.

October 2019
Convolutional Neural Networks for the Detection and Measurement of Cerebral Aneurysms on Magnetic Resonance Angiography.
Stember JN, Chang P, Stember DM, Liu M, Grinband J, Filippi CG, Meyers P, Jambawalikar S.

October 2019
Prior to Initiation of Chemotherapy, Can We Predict Breast Tumor Response? Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks Approach Using a Breast MRI Tumor Dataset.
Ha R, Chin C, Karcich J, Liu MZ, Chang P, Mutasa S, Pascual Van Sant E, Wynn RT, Connolly E, Jambawalikar S.

September 2019
Machine learning for prediction of chemoradiation therapy response in rectal cancer using pre-treatment and mid-radiation multi-parametric MRI.
Shi L, Zhang Y, Nie K, Sun X, Niu T, Yue N, Kwong T, Chang P, Chow D, Chen JH, Su MY.

June 4th, 2019
Optomizing Neuro-Oncology Imaging: A Review of Deep Learning Approaches for Glioma Imaging.
Shaver MM, Kohanteb PA, Chiou C, Bardis MD, Chantaduly C, Bota D, Filippi CG, Weinberg B, Grinband J, Chow DS, Chang PD.

April 2019
Convolutional Neural Network Based Breast Cancer Risk Stratification Using a Mammographic Dataset.
Ha R, Chang P, Karcich J, Mutasa S, Pascual Van Sant E, Liu MZ, Jambawalikar S.

February 2019
Convolutional Neural Network Using a Breast MRI Tumor Dataset Can Predict Oncotype Dx Recurrence Score.
Ha R, Chang P, Mutasa S, Karcich J, Goodman S, Blum E, Kalinsky K, Liu MZ, Jambawalikar S.

February 2019
Large Scale Semi-Automated Labeling of Routine Free-Text Clinical Records for Deep Learning.
Trivedi HM, Panahiazar M, Liang A, Lituiev D, Chang P, Sohn JH, Chen YY, Franc BL, Joe B, Hadley D.

February 2019
Prediction of Lymph Node Maximum Standardized Uptake Value in Patients With Cancer Using a 3D Convolutional Neural Network: A Proof-of-Concept Study.
Shaish H, Mutasa S, Makkar J, Chang P, Schwartz L, Ahmed F.

February 2019
Fully Automated Convolutional Neural Network Method for Quantification of Breast MRI Fibroglandular Tissue and Background Parenchymal Enhancement.
Ha R, Chang P, Mema E, Mutasa S, Karcich J, Wynn RT, Liu MZ, Jambawalikar S.

January 31st, 2019
Automatic Breast and Fibroglandular Tissue Segmentation in Breast MRI Using Deep Learning by a Fully-Convolutional Residual Neural Network U-Net.
Zhang Y, Chen JH, Chang KT, Park VY, Kim MJ, Chan S, Chang PD, Chow DS, Luk A, Kwong T, Su MY.2018

October 2018
Predicting Post Neoadjuvant Axillary Response Using a Novel Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm.
Ha R, Chang P, Karcich J, Mutasa S, Van Sant EP, Connolly E, Chin C, Taback B, Liu MZ, Jambawalikar S.

September 2018
Hybrid 3D/2D Convolutional Neural Network for Hemorrhage Detection on Head CT.
Chang PD, Kuoy, E, Grinband J, Weinberg BD, Thompson M, Homo R, Chen J, Abcede H, Shafie M, Sugrue L, Filippi CG, Su MY, Yu W, Hess C, Chow D.

May 10th, 2018
Deep-Learning Convolutional Neural Networks Accurately Classify Genetic Mutations in Gliomas.
Chang P, Grinband J, Weinberg BD, Bardis M, Khy M, Cadena G, Su MY, Cha S, Filippi CG, Bota D, Baldi P, Poisson LM, Jain R, Chow D.

May 1st, 2018
Sodium Fluorescein Facilitates Guided Sampling of Diagnostic Tumor Tissue in Nonenhancing Gliomas.
Bowden SG, Neira JA, Gill BJA, Ung TH, Englander ZK, Zanazzi G, Chang PD, Samanamud J, Grinband J, Sheth SA, McKhann GM 2nd, Sisti MB, Canoll P, D’Amico RS, Bruce JN.

June 2018
Extent of BOLD Vascular Dysregulation Is Greater in Diffuse Gliomas without Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1 R132H Mutation.
Englander ZK, Horenstein CI, Bowden SG, Chow DS, Otten ML, Lignelli A, Bruce JN, Canoll P, Grinband J.

April 25th, 2018
Axillary Lymph Node Evaluation Utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks Using MRI Dataset.
Ha R, Chang P, Karcich J, Mutasa S, Fardanesh R, Wynn RT, Liu MZ, Jambawalikar S

February 5th, 2018
MABAL: a Novel Deep-Learning Architecture for Machine-Assisted Bone Age Labeling.
Mutasa S, Chang PD, Ruzal-Shapiro C, Ayyala R.

January 2018
Imaging Genetic Heterogeneity in Glioblastoma and Other Glial Tumors: Review of Current Methods and Future Directions.
Chow D, Chang P, Weinberg BD, Bota DA, Grinband J, Filippi CG.2017

December 8th, 2017
Beyond the embolus: “do not miss” diffusion abnormalities of ischaemic and non-ischaemic neurological disease.
Yedavalli V, Nyberg EM, Chow DS, Thaker AA.

July 24th, 2017
A novel method of quantifying brain atrophy associated with age-related hearing loss.
Qian ZJ, Chang PD, Moonis G, Lalwani AK.

July 2017
Aggressive resection at the infiltrative margins of glioblastoma facilitated by intraoperative fluorescein guidance.
Neira JA, Ung TH, Sims JS, Malone HR, Chow DS, Samanamud JL, Zanazzi GJ, Guo X, Bowden SG, Zhao B, Sheth SA, McKhann GM 2nd, Sisti MB, Canoll P, D’Amico RS, Bruce JN.

May 2017
A Multiparametric Model for Mapping Cellularity in Glioblastoma Using Radiographically Localized Biopsies.
Chang PD, Malone HR, Bowden SG, Chow DS, Gill BJA, Ung TH, Samanamud J, Englander ZK, Sonabend AM, Sheth SA, McKhann GM 2nd, Sisti MB, Schwartz LH, Lignelli A, Grinband J, Bruce JN, Canoll P.

April 15th, 2017
Confirmed case of levamisole-associated multifocal inflammatory leukoencephalopathy in a cocaine user.
Vitt JR, Brown EG, Chow DS, Josephson SA.

January 7th, 2017
Wernicke-Like Encephalopathy Associated With Ifosfamide.
Lin JK, Chow DS, Sheu L, Rehani B.

January 2017
Predicting Glioblastoma Recurrence by Early Changes in the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Value and Signal Intensity on FLAIR Images.
Chang PD, Chow DS, Yang PH, Filippi CG, Lignelli A.2016

November 16th, 2016
Challenges managing end-stage renal disease and kidney transplantation in a child with MTFMT mutation and moyamoya disease.
Oates A, Brennan J, Slavotinek A, Alsadah A, Chow D, Lee MM.

September-October 2016
Hypofractionated radiation therapy versus standard fractionated radiation therapy with concurrent temozolomide in elderly patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma.
Wang TJ, Wu CC, Jani A, Estrada J, Ung T, Chow DS, Soun JE, Saad S, Qureshi YH, Gartrell R, Saadatmand HJ, Saraf A, Garrett MD, Grubb C, Isaacson SR, Cheng SK, Sisti MB, Bruce JN, Sheth SA, Lassman AB, Iwamoto FM, McKhann GM 2nd.

May 2016
Glioblastoma Induces Vascular Dysregulation in Nonenhancing Peritumoral Regions in Humans.
Chow DS, Horenstein CI, Canoll P, Lignelli A, Hillman EM, Filippi CG, Grinband J.

May 2016
Timing of Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Glioblastoma Patients: A Single-Institution Experience With More Than 400 Patients.
Wang TJ, Jani A, Estrada JP, Ung TH, Chow DS, Soun JE, Saad S, Qureshi YH, Gartrell R, Isaacson SR, Cheng SK, McKhann GM 2nd, Bruce JN, Lassman AB, Sisti MB.

April 2016
A Modern Radiotherapy Series of Survival in Hispanic Patients with Glioblastoma.
Wu CC, Wang TJ, Jani A, Estrada JP, Ung T, Chow DS, Soun JE, Saad S, Qureshi YH, Gartrell R, Saadatmand HJ, Saraf A, Garrett MD, Grubb CS, Isaacson SR, Cheng SK, Sisti MB, Bruce JN, Sheth SA, Lassman AB, McKhann GM 2nd.

January 2016
Big Data and the Future of Radiology Informatics.
Kansagra AP, Yu JP, Chatterjee AR, Lenchik L, Chow DS, Prater AB, Yeh J, Doshi AM, Hawkins CM, Heilbrun ME, Smith SE, Oselkin M, Gupta P, Ali S.2015
July – August 2015
Have We Given Up on Breast Cancer Metastasis? Global Trends in Breast Cancer Metastasis Research Productivity.
Ha R, Chow D, Mango V, Friedlander L, Desperito E, Wynn R.
May – June 2015
Bridging the racial gap. National trend in african-american women breast cancer research productivity from 1992 to 2012.
Ha R, Chow D, Mango V, Friedlander L, Wynn R.

April 2015
Computer-assisted volumetric measurement of core infarct volume in pediatric patients: feasibility for clinical use and development of quantitative metrics for outcome prediction.
Filippi CG, El-Ali AM, Miloushev VZ, Chow DS, Guo X, Zhao B.

February 2015
Meta-analysis of diffusion metrics for the prediction of tumor grade in gliomas.
Miloushev VZ, Chow DS, Filippi CG.

January 2015
Increased rates of authorship in radiology publications: a bibliometric analysis of 142,576 articles published worldwide by radiologists between 1991 and 2012.
Chow DS, Ha R, Filippi CG.2014

November 2014
Value of gadolinium-enhanced MRI in detection of acute appendicitis in children and adolescents.
Rosines LA, Chow DS, Lampl BS, Chen S, Gordon S, Mui LW, Aspelund G, Ruzal-Shapiro CB

November 2014
Intermediate outcomes and predictors of efficacy in the radiofrequency ablation of 100 pathologically proven renal cell carcinomas.
McClure TD, Chow DS, Tan N, Sayre JA, Pantuck AJ, Raman SS.

September – October 2014
An evaluation of the sensitivity of MRI at detecting hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients utilizing an explant reference standard.
Hanna RF, Ward TJ, Chow DS, Lagana SM, Moreira RK, Emond JC, Weintraub JL, Prince MR.
June 2014
Intensity of gadolinium enhancement on MRI is useful in differentiation of intracochlear inflammation from tumor.
Peng R, Chow D, De Seta D, Lalwani AK.

May – June 2014
Posterior fossa reconstruction using titanium plate for the treatment of cerebellar ptosis after decompression for Chiari malformation.
Udani V, Holly LT, Chow D, Batzdorf U.

March 2014
Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis risk and liver disease.
Hanna RF, Finkelstone LA, Chow DS, Miloushev VZ, Escudero MR, Lagana SM, Prince MR.

March 2014
Global trend in breast cancer imaging research 1992-2012: bibliometric study.
Ha R, Chow D, Wynn R.

March 2014
Global trend in breast cancer imaging research 1992-2012: bibliometric study.
Ha R, Chow D, Wynn R.

March 2014
Semiautomated volumetric measurement on postcontrast MR imaging for analysis of recurrent and residual disease in glioblastoma multiforme.
Chow DS, Qi J, Guo X, Miloushev VZ, Iwamoto FM, Bruce JN, Lassman AB, Schwartz LH, Lignelli A, Zhao B, Filippi CG.2013

March 2013
Prevalence and timing of bend relief disconnection in patients supported by the late version HeartMate II left ventricular assist device.
Yuzefpolskaya M, Uriel N, Chow DS, Restaino SW, Mancini DM, Flannery M, Te-Frey R, Chichetti J, Ota T, Kim H, Dano DD, Pearson GD, Takayama H, Naka Y, Jorde UP.2012

February 2012
Changes in stroke research productivity: A global perspective.
Chow DS, Hauptman JS, Wong TT, Gonzalez NR, Martin NA, Lignelli AA, Itagaki MW.2011

December 2011
Research productivity in neurosurgery: trends in globalization, scientific focus, and funding.
Hauptman JS, Chow DS, Martin NA, Itagaki MW.

September 2011
Risk of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis in liver transplantation patients.
Chow DS, Bahrami S, Raman SS, Rotchel S, Sayre JW, Busuttil RW, Lu DS.

March 2011
Renal granular cell tumour (Abrikossoff tumour): case report and review of the literature.
Chow DS, Hsu M, Day C, Raman S.2010

November 2010
Interventional oncology research in the United States: slowing growth, limited focus, and a low level of funding.
Chow DS, Itagaki MW.

May – June 2010
Multidetector computed tomographic features of oncocytic papillary renal cell carcinoma, a new subtype.
Tse G, Chow DS, Hsu M, Margolis D, Raman SS.2009

December 2009
Thoracic and abdominal devices radiologists should recognize: self-assessment module.
Bahrami S, Chow D, Kadell B.

December 2009
Have We Given Up on Breast Cancer Metastasis? Global Trends in Breast Cancer Metastasis Research Productivity.
Bahrami S, Chow D, Kadell B.