Congratulations to Dr. Peter Chang for being among one of the top-ranked awardees for the 2019 RSNA Research Scholar Grant. He will be working alongside Dr. Min-Ying Lydia Su, Dr. Wengui Yu, and Dr. Daniel S. Chow for his project titled, Leveraging Deep Learning for Stroke Imaging Triage. This proposal seeks to leverage deep learning through CNNs, a subset of machine learning and artificial intelligence, to (1) improve CT interpretation time for patients with suspected acute ischemic strokes, (2) reliably quantify the extent of ischemic core defined by ASPECTS from CT imaging in the acute setting, and (3) accurately quantify the extent of viable tissue from CT perfusion data. The success of the proposed studies will advance stroke imaging capabilities by establishing a superior approach to ischemic stroke triage while also providing reliable and accurate measures of ischemic and viable tissue.